• Glass Protector Tops


    Glass Protector Tops

    Glass Protector Tops is proven, long lasting technology to protect an existing wood, metal or other non-glass surface from water spots or scratches. Glass Protector Tops are designed to lie flat on top of an entirely flat surface with no overhang.

    If you want to add perfect protection and make a luxurious but affordable improvement to your home decor, consider adding Glass Protector Tops. The glass recommended is 1/4" clear with polished edges although 3/8" or 1/2" may also be used. The glass ordered should be the exact size of the furniture, but 1/16" less is acceptable.

    Some wood furniture will have bevels or sloping near the edges. In this case, it is recommended to measure the dimensions at the points the sloping begins. It will not look good to have the glass hang over the sloping edges. That is why we do not recommend fabricating glass any bigger than the exact size of the furniture. When measuring please use a metal tape measure.

    Are the corners square or rounded? The corners on all custom cut glass will have dulled 90 degree angles unless advised otherwise. On some furniture there may be a radius on some or all of the corners. If so, please go to How To Figure A Radius Corner Dimension and tell us the radius size. Generally radius corners adds $20 to the 1/4" glass price.

    Correct measurement is 29-7/8"
    each little line between 29 and 30 on the tape measure represents 1/16"
    Incorrect measuring


    We recommend using desk buttons with Glass Protector Tops.

    Price list for 1/4" Glass Protector Tops

    Price list for 3/8" & 1/2" custom clear glass


    Glass Protector Tops

    Tinted Glass Protector Tops

    Glass Protector Top Handling and Installations Tips

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